Private bank / IFA group

Offer your clients a unique experience in your brand's colors

Black validation tick icon

Present your fund selection simply and intuitively

Black validation tick icon

Accelerate underwriting 100% digitally

Black validation tick icon

Present up-to-date reports and control calls for funds

Contact an expert
Illustration AirFund platform

Our strategic partners give us privileged access to the best funds on the market and to a vast European distribution network.

Fund Channel logo
Indosuez logo
Amundi logo
A robust, secure platform
White checklist icon
Internal and external safety audits
White padlock icon
Encrypted data
White shield icon with star in center
GDPR / European Cloud compliant

Together, we can turn ambition into success

We offer you a free consultation with one of our asset management and distribution experts, who will answer all your questions and define a project tailored to your needs.
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